Sobriquet 26.1

Sobriquet is considering altering its format again. We've been slowly adding entries to the Encyclopedia of Punk, added a crossword section, while commissioning fewer book reviews. Ideally, we'd like to move to something of a running format, ditching the "Volume X, Number Y" format and returning to the "Issue #1, #2, #3...) format we started with in 1995. We'd like to publish pieces as they are accepted, with issue numbers corresponding to each month (i.e. June was #25, July is #26...). So, if an essay was published on June 3, a review on June 17, and a column on June 23, all would be in issue #25 despite separate publishing dates.

The only concern we have is for our writers' CVs. Since so many of our writers are academics by trade and since publication records are so important in academic circles, we want to ensure that our writers (and those people seeking out their individual work) can designate and identify the issues in which their work appears in as clear a way as possible. To this end, and because the individually numbered issue format seemed somewhat amateurish, we tried the aforementioned "Volume X, Number Y" format. We have, however, decided to revert back to the individually numbered issue format for continuity's sake while also having a "Month, Year" designation.

So, in MLA format, an essay published this month could look something like this:

Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Essay." Sobriquet 26. Date accessed. URL.


Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Essay." Sobriquet July 2006. Date accessed. URL.

That said, we're particularly interested in essays dealing with the novels of William Gaddis. We'll probably have a CFP out for that soon.


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